I-225 Light Rail Extension
The I225 Rail Expansion is a design-build project to extend lightrail service 10.5 miles. The line connects the existing Southeast line to the future East Corridor that will serve Denver International Airport. Five miles will run along Highway I225 and the rest along local roads. EES has provided extensive drainage support for this project including drainage analysis and design for five of the eight stations and CLOMR analysis of the Toll Gate Creek crossing. EES works closely with jurisdictional agencies to meet local, regional and federal criteria. Coordination involved the City of Aurora, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD), American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-way Association (AREMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency. Specifically, EES utilized AREMA, UDFCD and FEMA criteria and templates in analyzing and designing drainage for this large, complicated project. Additionally, HEC-RAS, StormCAD and InRoads softwares were used to analyze, model and design drainage. Prepared documents met City of Aurora and CDOT standards for review and approval as local jurisdictions with authority including drainage reports, stormwater management plans and reports, construction plans and supplemental specifications. EES designed the extended detention basin with forebay, trickle channel, micropool for water quality and outlet structure. Design also included localized storm sewer systems. As the project begins the construction phase of the design-build, EES is assisting with Design Change Notifications (DCNs) and Requests for Information (RFIs). EES is also assisting with utility coordination and design, erosion controls plans and performs project-wide project controls